I am whole heartedly endorsing Lori Belha and her team.
I can best describe our desperation by talking about our situation. My husband’s cousin needed to settle his estate after his health deteriorated and went into assisted living. We were the closest living relatives and had our work cut out for us. Let me mention that we were happy to help him as, family is family. With that being said we set about the clear out the house. There was lots of clutter as you would expect from living in the family home for almost eight decades. The items that we uncovered included his as well as his parents as he never married. We preceded to have two estate sales held at the house. The first was a professional run sale and did well. However, more items were uncovered including the attic, as we had more room to work and uncover items. My husband and I organized, tagged etc. for the second sale. But… we still needed help to move the remainder of the items. Then came a recommendation from a neighbor of Lori’s expertise. We called and were very well received. We expressed concern over moving the items quickly and emptying the house to sell. She came and met with me within the week. What a relief. She had the home cleared out within the next week and we were ready to list! What a honor to work with her. She expedited the sale of many of items, by listing items on the internet. With her connection with Discoveries she was able to consign many of the larger items. She has never given up hope of selling all the items and as of this writing is still listing items for us. She is honest and trustworthy and very forthright. I will gladly use her again should the need arise.
OCT 01, 2014
Miki Wittmer